Monday, December 30, 2019
HM Company Analysis Essay - 7159 Words
COMPANY ANALYSIS amp; PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION MARKETING MANAGEMENT BMKT601 TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 2. FAST FASHION 4 3. ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS 4 3.1. Political Factors 4 3.2. Economical Factor 5 3.3. Social Factors 6 3.4. Technology Factors 6 4. INDUSTRY ANALYSIS 6 5. Hamp;M 8 6. STRATEGY 10 7. SEGMENTATION 11 8. TARGETING 13 9. POSITIONING 14 10. CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR 15 11. MARKETING 17 12. SUPPLY CHAIN 22 13. CONCLUSION 24 14. BIBLIOGRAPHY 25 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The fashion industry is evolving to ever faster incorporate catwalk design to high street stores, with strong competition within an oligopoly market. The ever increasing speed of product†¦show more content†¦Short lead times are made possible through localised production, inventory monitoring technology and expected distribution methods. Inditex, which owns Zara and is also the world’s largest clothing retailer, delivers new products to its stores twice a week whilst Hamp;M is only capable of designing, manufacturing and distributing new products in three weeks by comparison (Cachon and Swinney2011). The second component of the fast fashion system, the product design, is made fast through in depth analysis of consumer behaviour and industry tastes in order to identify unexpected fads and reduce lead times. Benetton for example, employs a group of â€Å"trend spotters†and designers throughout Europe and Asia in order to analyse market movements and also pay close attention to popular fashion shows. 3. ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS PEST stands for Political, Economic, Social and Technical and is a tool used to analyse external factors affecting company performance and aid in monitoring trends in the external environment (Kotler and Armstrong, 2010). 4.1. Political Factors Politics has a profound effect on business in the UK, and plays a critical role in developing any business strategy. Should related political factors fail to be considered there can be resultant loss in profit and elimination of the best market strategy as an option; Simkin et al. (2006) point out that a national politicalShow MoreRelatedHM company analysis4098 Words  | 17 PagesExecutive Summary 1-2 1.0 Company Background 1.1 HM History 1.2 Products, Strategy, Vision and Mission Statement 2-3 2.0 Strategy Planning 2.1 Establishment Effectiveness of Vision, Mission and Goals 2.2 External Analysis 2.2.1 Opportunities 2.2.2 Threats 2.3 Internal Analysis 2.3.1 Strengths 2.3.2 Weaknesses 2.4 SWOT Analysis 2.5 Benchmarking 2.6 Hierarchy of strategy 2.7 BCG Matrix 4-9 3.0 Conclusion 3.1 Advice 3.2 Future Plan Reference History of HM HM were establishedRead MoreMarketing Planning Of H M986 Words  | 4 Pagesmarketing planning Organisation capabilities The Capabilities of HM they have very good marketers in Adverting create a recycle Fashion in designs. HM has good Excellent skills in customers service they have a Fashion collection for very good value. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
`` Dear Billy Bob Joe `` Essay - 1716 Words
Dear Billy Bob Joe, Across the world there are a surplus of beliefs and systems regarding Gods and religions. There are hundreds and thousands of theologians that claim they have the â€Å"truth†about the world and human creation. Although some of these claims may have truth wrapped in them, often times they are covered with fabrication, simply desiring to please the listener and offer the most beneficial reasoning for accepting it. I understand why someone with no religious upbringing or background would not quite know where to start when taking a look at Christianity; however, I’m here to help you understand the amazing aspects of Christianity. These aspects have caused over two billion people around the world to dedicate their lives and ways to follow the center of the religion- God. There are many parts of Christianity that differentiate it from other religions, but for the sake of your time and immediate sanity- I will only delve into three of them. Upon identifying them, you might face some initial confusion, but know that I will explain each one in depth, so that you can completely wrap your mind around them. Grace, the Doctrine of the Trinity, and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ are all characteristics that comprise a Christian’s relationship with God. All three of these topics set apart Christianity from other religions that claim to have the real truth. Salvation, as known by many different religions, is a sort of deliverance from the physical and spiritual aspectsShow MoreRelatedMichael Arlen Ode to Thanksgiving1439 Words  | 6 Pageseveryone is required to handle with the greatest of care! Consider the participants, the merrymakers: men and women (also children) who have survived passably well throughout the years, mainly as a result of living at considerable distances from their dear parents and beloved siblings, who on this feast of feasts must apparently forgather (as if beckoned by an aberrant fairy godmother), usually by circuitous routes, through heavy traffic, at a common meeting place, where the very moods, distempers, andRead MoreGambling a Bad Bet5057 Words  | 21 Pagesproduces a deterioration of society. Even legalized gambling on a large scale, such as in Las Vegas, Reno, and Atlantic City, has brought inner city blight, decay, and despair and has been a major contributor to soaring crime rates. In an articl e by Bob Gill that appeared in the February 1991 issue of the Business Journal of New Jersey, Atlantic City is referred to as â€Å"being a con man’s paradise, the land of broken promise, the monument to greed, and the supreme headquarters of tackiness.†He describesRead MoreSports17369 Words  | 70 Pagesavailable at, from American Sportscasters Online. Choose one of these events to research further, and feel free to add more to the list. Sept. 6, 1920 - First Radio Broadcast of a Prizefight -Jack Dempsey versus Billy Miske - WWJ Nov. 25, 1920 - First Radio Play-by-Play Broadcast of a Collegiate Football Game - Texas University versus Mechanical College of Texas - WTAW Aug. 5, 1921 - First Radio Broadcast of a Baseball Game-Pittsburgh Pirates versus PhiladelphiaRead MoreSports17363 Words  | 70 Pagesavailable at, from American Sportscasters Online. Choose one of these events to research further, and feel free to add more to the list. Sept. 6, 1920 - First Radio Broadcast of a Prizefight -Jack Dempsey versus Billy Miske - WWJ Nov. 25, 1920 - First Radio Play-by-Play Broadcast of a Collegiate Football Game - Texas University versus Mechanical College of Texas - WTAW Aug. 5, 1921 - First Radio Broadcast of a Baseball Game-Pittsburgh Pirates versus PhiladelphiaRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words  | 658 Pagestraditional stance, Naim argues that it will continue to support the vinyl format for as long as demand for this remains and will not rule out the development of new products in this area. The ï ¬ nal ï ¬ rm we shall consider is Meridian Audio, founded in 1977 by Bob Stuart and Allen Boothroyd. Meridian products have proved popular among audiophiles and more recently in the lifestyle technology/home theatre ï ¬ eld. Of the three ï ¬ rms described here, Meridian was the ï ¬ rst to embrace compact disc as a format. Meridia nRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesMichigan University Diane Galbraith, Slippery Rock University Carolyn Gardner, Radford University Janice Gates, Western Illinois University Ellen Kaye Gehrke, Alliant International University James Gelatt, University of Maryland University College Joe Gerard, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee Matthew Giblin, Southern Illinois University Donald Gibson, Fairfield University Cindi Gilliland, The University of Arizona Mary Giovannini, Truman State University David Glew, University of North Carolina
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Operating Plan Essay Free Essays
We will First Operate in major tube metropoliss. get downing with Bangalore. and so Mumbai. We will write a custom essay sample on Operating Plan Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Delhi. Chennai. Goa. Pune. Kolkata. Gujarat etc. After Targeting to these metropoliss. we will seek to aim the rural India which is about 70 % of India. How will we advance? We will advance through ADVERTISEMENT in ONLINE FORUM. SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES. Locally celebrated Theaters. Souvenirs given to clients. App Stores. humanoid market apps. PRINT MEDIA which is about read by every other individual normally. like Hindu. Times of India. etc in Bangalore and besides some local trade names etc. What will be our gross revenues publicity activity? Peoples would be able to book a whole new wave for household acquire together. a birthday party with their films. counter tiffin or dinner etc all made available in the coach. with some anterior engagement of minimal 7 yearss. Besides if a school or college wants to demo a educational reappraisal. or a documental to their pupils. the squad may take attention. travel to school and demo assist them with all things they needed with anterior engagement. We will be besides publishing a base on balls which will be a three clip one-year base on balls in which you can see film thrice a month with that base on balls delivering every clip you come. This will be chiefly for our twenty-four hours today clients. The one-year base on balls will besides incorporate vouchers for free Zea mays everta. or some price reduction on repast and besides some other value added services. How Will We Sell? Our chief purpose is to gain net income with making a strong client relationship. We will sell our Tickets through our ain web site. Bookmyshow. com. After some clip in long term we will do our ain apps in Iphone. android market. Ipad etc. The Timings will be pre decided. and a hebdomads timetable will besides be decided. which will demo non merely new films. but sometimes a educational movie. and local linguistic communication movies of the metropolis we operate in. Where will we park? We will park our cinevan in a short distance from our clients place. A soap of 1 kilometer far in any vicinity we decided. We will park someplace where there is ample of infinite for vehicles to come and travel. This will assist in modulating the traffic. We will besides take anterior permissions for all our topographic points. etc How will we acquire our train? We will import in the beginning and so we will seek and improvize our squad and add some interior decorators who can plan our train which will be more broad etc. our current train will suit around 70 people at a clip. How will Caravan be like? Caravan will be a coach which will hold a same experience as if you are sitting In a multiplex. The Acoustics section will be taken attention of and a finest of all will be used at that place. How to cite Operating Plan Essay, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Different Levels of Devolution to Be Found in Northern Ireland free essay sample
The history of these isles, which we call Great Britain and Ireland, has produced a peculiar and unique situation of governance throughout the nations of which the islands consist. England, as largest and most populous territory in the region, has been the dominant power for centuries; annexing or merging with the Celtic nations of Wales, Scotland and Ireland between 1536 and 1800. Following the independence of the Irish Free State and partition of the island of Ireland, we have the country that is known today as The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland as well as the independent Irish Republic. Over the course of this essay I will examine the different levels of devolution to be found within Britain and Ireland, identifying similarities and differences between the types of devolution granted at present as well as possibilities for further devolution of power. Within the United Kingdom, power has been devolved from Westminster to the outlying capitals of Belfast, Edinburgh and Cardiff in different ways, according to a region’s particular characteristics and idiosyncrasies. However devolution, described as â€Å"a limited form of decentralisation†(Grant, 2009), has been seen as giving power over their own affairs back to the people of each of the smaller nations, who in many cases may have felt some sense of marginalisation by rule from London. This being the case, there are certainly aspects of devolved power which have been granted to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland with little variance. Administrative devolution has occurred in all three territories, with local government being given authority over running services, allocating funds and organising administration. Practically this means that areas such as Health, Education, Housing and other areas are equally the domain of each outlying government throughout the UK. With this fact acknowledged, one can then examine other â€Å"devolved government arrangements †¦ that are markedly asymmetrical†(Jeffrey amp; Wincott, 2006). Of the three nations with devolved powers at present, Wales is the one which has least expressed desires for separation or independence; this despite a strong sense of Welsh cultural and national pride, with the flourishing Welsh language as a focal point and a Welsh nationalist party in Plaid Cymru. Indeed the 1997 devolution referendum in Wales, pushed by the Labour government, was passed by a mere 7,000 votes, with only 50% voter turnout. The tiny margin of victory despite government support along with the low turnout figures suggests an antipathy, certainly at the time of the referendum, amongst the Welsh electorate towards the idea of self-governance and devolution. This fact, along with the view that Wales as a nation is most inextricably linked with England, has resulted in Wales agreeing to a low level of devolution with the Welsh Assembly. The sixty member Welsh Assembly which was set up in the wake of the 1997 referendum has been described as a â€Å"strange anatomy†(Rawlings, 2003). The Assembly has control over the spending and allocation of the Welsh budget, as handed down by Westminster, but with no taxation or primary law-making powers (Grant, 2009). However, the introduction of devolution in Wales does seem to have reinvigorated the public debate over transfer of powers. By 2003, the preferred option (38% from four options) amongst the Welsh people was clearly for more devolution powers, in the form of a Welsh Parliament (Wales, 2006). Scotland has achieved a different, more extensive form of devolution than Wales; not least due to the fact that it is much bigger physically and in terms of population as well as being further geographically removed from London. However the rise of support in Scotland for a devolved form of administration in the 1980s and 1990s coincided with a number of factors which either increased self-confidence as a Scottish nation or else disaffection with the Westminster government. The main reason for rising nationalist sentiment was the monopoly on power in Britain which was held by the Conservatives over the course of most of these decades, despite having very little support north of the border. The Tories put in place a number of policies which were deeply unpopular in Scotland such as the Poll Tax and the closure of the shipyards and other industries. The discovery of North Sea oil, as well as membership of a European Union that was booming by the 1990s also gave many Scots’ confidence in their ability to manage their own affairs. As such, the referendum of 1997 was a huge endorsement of devolution with almost three quarters of voters in favour of devolving power to Edinburgh and 60% approving tax varying powers (Pattie, Denver, Mitchell, amp; Botchel, 1998). While some state functions such as defence, foreign affairs and overall fiscal policy are reserved by Westminster, the ability to vary taxes is one of a number of key contrasts between the devolved administrations in Cardiff and Edinburgh. As well as the ability to vary taxes by up to 3 pence on the pound, the Scottish government also takes responsibility for justice, policing and administration of certain EU laws within Scotland, among other roles. Today we can see the apparent success of this devolution in the eyes of the Scottish people with the debate switching from devolution to independence, with the Scottish National Party amongst the chief advocates of an independent Scotland. While polls seem to show that full independence remains unlikely in the time scale offered, â€Å"[t]he real option here is option three ‘devo max’†(Jenkins, 2012) for most Scottish voters. Such an option would give Scotland full fiscal autonomy as well as power over nearly all aspects of Scottish life. If included as an option in a referendum, devo max would appear to be the preferred option for a majority of the Scottish electorate. Northern Ireland is a unique situation due to the widely documented history of sustained conflict between the two major, broad religious/political groupings of Protestants/unionists and Catholics/nationalists. The legacy of ‘The Troubles’ has been a deeply divided society which has remained the case up to the present day, with â€Å"segregation still exist[ing] across politics, schooling, housing and education. †(Nolan, 2012) However, following the Belfast Agreement in 1998 and the successful referendum endorsing the peace process, a Northern Ireland Assembly and Executive were formed in 1999. The distinctive political dimensions in Northern Ireland mean that â€Å"many of the features of Northern Ireland devolution follow consociational models†(Jeffrey C. 2009), in other words many of the features of the Northern Ireland Assembly and Executive are in place in order to manage conflict between the two broad groupings existent in Northern Ireland. As majority rule cannot be considered, Northern Ireland uses the d’Hondt system whereby power in the Executive is divided on a highest averages basis and the number of seats on the Executive controlled by a party corresponds to the amount of assembly seats gained, â€Å"thereby realising the proportionality principle which is one of the underpinning characteristics of consociational democracy†(Wilford, 2009). Now that security concerns have subsided so that Justice powers can be devolved (currently under the stewardship of cross community Alliance Party) Northern Ireland’s Executive has authority over its own affairs to a greater extent than Wales but perhaps not so much power as that of Alex Salmond’s Scottish government. While the Executive in Northern Ireland does have the power to pass, amend or repeal laws directly related to the region (which Wales does not) it does not have the same level of fiscal control as that of Scotland. Recently there have been calls from both unionist and nationalist parties for greater control of fiscal powers, particularly regarding the rate of corporation tax – the rate is much higher in the UK than in the Republic of Ireland. While in recent years the devolved system at Stormont seems a cause for optimism, one must recognise that â€Å"[a]ny appraisal of devolution in Northern Ireland over the past decade has first to acknowledge that it has been a disjointed affair. †(Wilford, 2009) Indeed Stormont was suspended from 2002-2007, however it is hoped that the current session will allow Northern Ireland to make progress as a devolved region. The two previously unmentioned territories in the region, namely England and the Republic of Ireland, are different in that they each host the capital city of a sovereign nation. While this may suggest that the appetite for devolution would not exist in the two countries, proposals involving some degree of decentralisation have been suggested. The Republic of Ireland had an overall population of less than 4. 6 million as of 2011, with around two fifths of all citizens living in the Greater Dublin area. These facts, coupled with Ireland’s relatively small size geographically, would not offer any great comfort for proponents of devolved government. However the more realistic debate in the Republic had been the decentralisation of government departments to various cities and towns throughout the state. Indeed government plans to spread the wealth and jobs created in Dublin were underway from as early as 2003, â€Å"10,300 public servants, including the headquarters of eight departments, were to be dispersed from the capital to 3 locations in every other county in the State†(McDonald, 2011) However the plan was shelved soon thereafter, due to the diseconomies of scale and co-ordination problems that such a decentralising plan would entail, but at an overall cost to the taxpayer of â‚ ¬338 million on costs such as the acquisition and development of sites that were never to be used. The evidence from the plan would seem to suggest that decentralisation, and certainly de volution, would be unsuitable in the Irish Republic. England, on the other hand, is by far the largest and most populous country on the islands constituting Britain and Ireland with a population of over 50 million and, when taken as a country subdivision, ranks number one globally in terms of GDP. England’s capital city of London also serves as capital for the greater United Kingdom, perhaps a major factor in the view that â€Å"the English think that Westminster should have most control over them†(Jeffrey C. , 2009) in contrast to the people of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Attempts at some form of regional, elected government within England were comprehensively rejected when 78% of the electorate in the North East of the country voted ‘No’ in a referendum on the implementation of such government in 2004 (Grant, 2009). The results of that ballot seem to have removed the issue of English devolution from the agenda for the foreseeable future. Perhaps the major issue involving England and the topic of devolution is what has become known as the ‘West Lothian Question,’ regarding â€Å"inequities of representation of the Scots and English after devolution†(Jeffrey C. 2009). Due to the autonomy that has come with devolution, Scottish MPs have law making powers over areas of English policy due to UK-wide Westminster being England’s only form of government. English MPs, on the other hand, have no powers over Scotland in the areas that have been devolved; leading to what former Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith called a â€Å"democratic monstrosity†(Carrell, 2012) From the evidence gathered I feel confident in concluding that devolution has generally been a success in the UK. While the divergent characteristics of each region necessitate asymmetrical devolution of powers to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland it seems to be an adaptable process with further devolution powers possible in each of the three territories. Scotland, as a larger country with more aspirations towards self-sufficiency, has clearly been afforded a greater level of devolved power than the Welsh, who presently seem content with a low level form of devolved government. Northern Ireland’s exceptional circumstances as a post conflict region have of course called for a different approach to devolved government. With the apparent stabilisation of the region in recent years, calls for increased fiscal powers and a better functioning Executive offer optimistic signs of progress. England, and certainly the Republic of Ireland, would not seem to offer fertile ground for any such devolved administration in the foreseeable future.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Health Care and Faith Diversity Essay Sample free essay sample
In health care. we come across all sorts of people. They all have different demands and wants. We become accustomed to the population that we see. Each of our infirmaries has a bulk. We know. in general. what the bulk of our patients need in respects to religious and cultural attention. Every one time in a piece though. we come across something new and different. something that falls outside of our mundane pattern. When that happens. we have to set our manner of thought and larn new things in order to care for this patient and their household efficaciously and with great attention. This paper will research the differences between the Christian position of wellness attention and healing as opposed to the Buddhist. Native American. and Hindu faiths. Christian Christians believe in God. They believe that the power of supplication can assist mend. They turn to prayer and church when people are ill and injured. We will write a custom essay sample on Health Care and Faith Diversity Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page and rely on God to assist mend. They turn to physicians and infirmaries. but it is accompanied by religion and supplication. They pray for aid. but do non cognize what assist will be given or how it will be presented. They have faith that God has a program and knows what he is making. Acts 3:16 says â€Å"By religion in the name of Jesus. this adult male whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus’ name and the religion that comes through him that has wholly healed him. as you can all see†( Bible. NIV ) . For Christians. every bit long as they believe in God and inquire for his aid. he will assist. This is what we. in Western medical specialty. see most frequently. Our occupation and preparation is based around this basic premiss that the Christian individual who comes in necessitating attention will accept our Western medical specialty and will add supplication and household to the equation. Hinduism. Buddhism. and Native American civilization are really diffe rent. They have different positions on the significance of life. and the interventions and therapies that they accept as being utile. This paper will research the differences that exist between Christianity and the three other faiths specified. Hindooism Hindooism is one of the oldest life spiritual traditions of the universe. Hinduism has no 1 laminitis or instructor. and is a digest of many different instructions and books. They believe in reincarnation. karma. moksha. Dharma. and artha. Hindus believe that one decease is merely a metempsychosis into a new life while seeking to make Brahman. â€Å"From this belief follows a corollary belief in multiple life-times of being in the yesteryear and the hereafter. life-times in which the quality of one’s present life is determined by the quality of one’s past life as led in old life-times ( karma ) . It is therefore possible to better the quality of one’s life over several lives and attain a better metempsychosis. but the ultimate Hindu spiritual ideal purposes at exceeding the procedure of the rhythm of metempsychosiss itself. The successful attainment of this end is called moksa†( Sharma. 2002 ) . Christians. in relation. position decease in two ways. decea se of the organic structure and decease of the psyche. The organic structure is of less importance. because it is the psyche that has to run into with God on Judgment twenty-four hours and must turn out its worthiness of being accepted into the Gatess of Eden. Hindus are highly modest. and modesty is increased when the attention supplier is of the opposite gender. They by and large eat a vegetarian diet. and will fast rather frequently. They are really respectful of medical forces. but they are really hesitating to take drugs. and consent to surgery. It is really of import that we explore other options and educate. educate. educate. Buddhism In contrast â€Å"Buddhism goes beyond faith and is more of a doctrine or ‘way of life’ . It is a doctrine because doctrine ‘means love of wisdom’ and the Buddhist way can be summed up as: ( 1 ) to take a moral life. ( 2 ) to be aware and cognizant of ideas and actions. and ( 3 ) to develop wisdom and understanding†( White. 1993 ) . â€Å"The Buddhist attack to wellness and healing is its accent on religious pattern. Buddhism asserts that religious pattern makes it possible for an person non merely to see chance for pattern in the face of hardship. including illness and hurt. but use the chance for personal transmutation and transcendence†( Bhikshu. n. d. ) . They believe a quiet and peaceable ambiance is most good when a individual is ill or deceasing. This allows for remainder. every bit good as clip for supplication and speculation. Buddhists believe that it is good to go on populating every bit long as possible. but do non believe that it should be done under all fortunes. Life support machines are non believed to be helpful if the person’s head is no longer alarm. Having an watchful head and non being in inordinate hurting are the two primary factors that affect a Buddhist determination sing the appropriate clip of decease. They prefer that the individual be in a province as stopping point to natural as possible leting for a natural. peaceable passing. Christians do non believe that taking attention of the human organic structure is the lone manner to populate. The organic structure is simply a vas. They are most concerned with their psyche and its well being. So when they get ill or are close to decease. they hope that their psyche is ready for God. Buddhists. like so many other civilizations and faiths. position a posi tive and caring attitude when interacting with the patient as their outlook. They expect to be treated with self-respect and regard. like any other patient. and they want us to be truly sort and compassionate. Native Americans Native Americans are a term used to depict 100s of autochthonal folks of North America. Native American healing is a wide term to depict the healing beliefs and patterns of these people. It includes faith. spiritualty. herbal medical specialty. and rites that they use to handle the people with medical and emotional conditions. â€Å"Traditional Native American therapists aim to â€Å"make whole†by reconstructing wellbeing and harmonious relationships with the community and the spirit nature which is sometimes called God or the Great Mystery†( Cancer. org. 2008 ) . They believe that everyone and everything is interconnected and in everything there is a spirit or kernel. They believe that unwellness stems from religious jobs. They besides believe that if the individual is imbalanced. diseases are more likely to occupy the organic structure. Therefore. â€Å"their wellness patterns aim to happen and reconstruct balance and integrity in a individual to reconstruct one to a healthy and spiritually pure state†( Cancer. org. 2008 ) . â€Å"Many Native Americans use their therapists for religious grounds. such as to seek counsel. truth. balance. reassurance. and religious wellbeing while still utilizing conventional medical specialty to cover with ‘white man’s illness’†( Cancer. org. 2008 ) . They believe that the spirit is an inseparable component of mending. Native Americans. who pattern this type of mending. may either remain out of the infirmary. or be really loath to get down any interventions without first seeking to quiet or pacify the liquors. Christians. in contrast. are more likely to accept intervention and aid from the medical community. but ever maintain in head that the psyche comes foremost. If it comes to their attending that they are deceasing. they truly want to pray and fix the psyche for decease. Deductions for Care As a nurse. the most of import thing you can make. for any and all of your patients. is to happen out how they view wellness and healing. What are their beliefs. and how will that alter their program of attention? We need to happen out who is involved or of import in their healing procedure and how we can ease that procedure. Above all else. the nurse must be compassionate and caring. and understand that merely because it’s different doesn’t mean it’s incorrect. We must educate our egos and be unfastened to their civilization and religion so that we may supply the best possible attention to our patients. Our patients merit to be treated with self-respect. regard. and compassion. While Buddhist and Hindus will appreciate our sort and compassionate attention. Native Americans may be a small more hesitant. However. as with most things. it is all in the attack. It truly is cardinal to each and every individual that you truly are seeking and conforming to their religious demands. otherwise. they will presume and believe that you are being disrespectful and non helpful. As a nurse. we come in contact with so many different people. and throughout your calling you will come across state of affairss and people and religions that will throw you for a cringle. You will hold to educate and research what it is about this patient that you are traveling to necessitate in order to take the best possible attention of the patient that you can. These 3 faiths and religions have many differences and some similarities. No two are precisely the same. Majority of our patients are outside of their kingdom. and they pattern Christianity. We need to suit every individual individual that walks through our door. whether that means praying with them. garnering the appropriate clergy. leting for household interc ession. and supplying for speculation and supplication. Decision As a consequence of this research. it has become clear how small clip is spent on the religious healing of patients. Western medical specialty is what is practiced. Medication dosages. surgical consults. and discharge instruction. We do non turn to the religious side of their wellness and good being adequate. Why? Because that is easiest and that is what we know. We as nurses need to take the enterprise and do certain that all of the information we collect during admittance sing spiritualty and faith is put to utilize and that we ask what it is that we can make in order to assist them integrate their beliefs into their attention. Mentions Bhikshu. K. ( n. d. ) . A Buddhist Approach to Patient Health Care. Retrieved January 25. 2013 from World Wide Web. urbandharma. org/udharma8/health. hypertext markup language. Cancer. org. ( 2008 ) . Native American Healing. Retrieved January 25. 2013 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. malignant neoplastic disease. org/treatment/treatmentsandsideeffects/complementaryandalternativemedicine/mindbodyandspirit/native-american-healing. Sharma. A. ( 2002 ) The Hindu Tradition: Religious Beliefs and Healthcare Decisions. Park Ridge. Illinois: Park Ridge Center. White. B. ( 1993 ) . A Basic Buddhism Guide: A Five Minute Guide. Retrieved January 25. 2013 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. buddhanet. net/e-learning/5minbud. htm.
Monday, November 25, 2019
ancient governmental standards essays
ancient governmental standards essays Governmental Techniques in the Ancient World Throughout history, many techniques have been used for organizing society. Experimentation with different styles primarily took place in the ancient Mediterranean world. Athenian democracy, Hebrew temple state, Hellenic city-states, Hellenistic kingdoms, the Roman Republic, and the Christian Roman Empire were all major forms of governance, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. To determine which of these forms was successful, it is impotent to look at each forms chronological development. The Hebrew State began as a loose confederation of twelve tribes. A tribes elders ruled it, and while there was intermarriage between tribes, there was no real political connection. They shared common religion, language and culture, however they did not owe allegiance to one ruler. The roots of the Hebrew tribes lay in myth. Jacob, a patriarch of Judaism, is said to have had twelve sons, each of whom begot a tribe of people. Taking into account the legendary characteristics of each son, each tribe had specific traits. For example, the tribe of Levy were the priests of the Jews. They owned no land, and survived on the tithes of the people. The tribe of Dan were a seafaring people; their ancestral land lay on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. These twelve groups of people were by no means one nation, they raided each other occasionally, and there were often disputes as to boundaries and land rights. In the eleventh century B.C.E., an outside threat, eminent invasion by the Philistines, drove the Hebrews to formalize their tribal ties under one leader, Saul. With the defeat of the Philistines, Saul managed to keep control over the tribes, unifying them for his successor, the warrior-poet David. Saul and David had forged the beginnings of a kingdom that would see its true glory in the tenth century B.C.E., under Davids son Solomon. Under Solomon, the Temple State tr...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Student's Demands on and Expectations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Student's Demands on and Expectations - Essay Example But still, they are not mature enough to take complete responsibility (although partial) for their actions and reactions. University students, on the other hand, are much more mature and are completely able to live a life on their own. They can take their own decisions, make their own choices and are able to take the responsibility for their actions and reactions, whatsoever. There are thousands of all kinds of expectations and demands made on high school students. These demands create an environment that puts a pressure on the students enabling them to familiarize with competition and professionalism. These demands help them become more realistic, more practical, more familiarized with the outer world (outside their innocent nutshells) and come out of their childhood fantasy-world. Teachers demand students to be more mature in their studies, mainly assignments, writings, papers, reports, presentations, etc. They also demand them to be less childish and more grown-up for that matter. After so many things expected from high school students, they have some expectations in turn too. They expect their elders to be more cooperating and helping as their lives become more and more challenging so that they get thorough this very difficult, yet interesting and very memorable part of their lives. They expect their teachers to assist them in the more challenging jobs and assignments assigned to them and want a little leniency, at least in the attitude, to help them cope with these new challenges. Demands on University Students: University students are subjected to similar expectations as the high school students as well but on a much higher level. Since they are considered to be much more grown up and mature. Considered to be old enough, they are expected to portray a bit more adult behavior than high school students. Their teachers expect them to be more professional and able to understand harder things easily. Since they are about to enter the actual professional world soon enough, they are expected to come out of books, understand the practical world and act accordingly. The environment of a university is rather professional than educational since the main thing to be taught at this level is professionalism and practicality and not education (since that is what is done throughout their previous years - like high school) Parents expect them to be almost completely on their own. Sometimes, they are even expected to fulfill their financial requirements themselves through some part-time job etc (unlike high school students who are completely dependent upon parents). Expectations of University Students: Unlike high school students, the expectations of university students are comparatively more practical and realistic. They try to be on their own as much as they can but obviously they are not independent grown-ups (but on the verge of being one). So they expect at least some leverage in some such regards. Similarly, they are not
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Legal Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Legal Theory - Essay Example These ideas and ideologies have assumed a global and even pan-human application. When applied they claim a universalism. When dissected, however, they show themselves to have a decidedly Western origin and influence. This has been shown to be the case in the global spread of various ideas and power systems like democracy, capitalism, industrialisation, colonialism, internationalism, and even socialism. The global reach of many of these ideologies and social structures inevitably incited reaction and dissent. Capitalism spawned socialism. Industrialisation gave way to workers movements. Colonialism yielded to Third World political rumblings and international ideologies like global Marxism, Pan-Africanism, and Pan-Arabism (to mention a few). To all this must be added twentieth century feminism. Though it may seem an oversimplification, much of twentieth century feminism sought to voice a discourse largely critical of the sexual inequality inherent in capitalism, be it in its national and/or its international forms. From the viewpoint of Marxism, the State is ‘a reflection, if not the instrument, of the power of the dominant economic class’ (Newman 2004, 141). From a gender perspective, the State largely mirrors the interests of males vis-a-vis females on an individualised basis. The modern State of capitalist society lies at the centre of what feminism sees as the tyran nical, patriarchal system of domination over the bodies and lives of women. This same State figures prominently in the structure of globalisation which has served to propagate Western power systems across the globe. Whether one approaches the role and place of women from an international, global perspective or from an individual State perspective, the question for feminists is for the most part a matter of the imposition of power and the limitation and circumscription of female individual autonomy. With respect to prostitution, particularly its criminalisation, the State
Monday, November 18, 2019
Enviormental modern issue in Astrulia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Enviormental modern issue in Astrulia - Essay Example In January, states that were affected include Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia, Western Australia, and Victoria. In February between 8th and 11th 2014, South Australia and Victoria State were under the siege of fire. Most of the Australian bushfires occur following lightning strikes that ignite fire, electricity, spot fires, and hot dry northerly winds, which is a risk factor for increased bushfires. The risk factor is that Australia is an arid continent and has been experiencing fires for millions of years (Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission, 2010). In Victoria, Metropolitan Fire Brigade, Department of Environmental and Primary Industries and Country Fire Authority are involved in fighting bushfires.Non-governmental organization such as St John Ambulance Australia provides first aid and other services such as transport of victims to the hospital and trauma Centre’s (Conn, 2009). Owing to the nature of bushfires, there is no one responsible or at fault for the bushfired in Australi, unless where smokers cause bushfires whn they live a butning cigar. The above examples were caused by natural disasters thereby making no one at fault in the Austalian bushfires. In Australia, the long and short term economic consequences of bushfires have been loss of property and life. Billions of dollars are spent annually in trying to prevent and prepare for these disasters. The continent encounters much expenditure on disaster preparation. After a disaster, the economy is negatively affected due to the following reasons: disruption of business activities, loss of power supply to companies, and loss of water supply and communication breakdown. Secondary economic impacts that may result are loss of insurance and premiums, loss of confidence by the investors, and increase in costs due to the provision of welfare and medical
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Business Ethics And Surrounding Theories Philosophy Essay
Business Ethics And Surrounding Theories Philosophy Essay Business ethics for quite some time now has been a global issue as the case maybe in business deliveries. Business ethics may be defined as way managers take decision that will make their business reputation to be morally sound in business transaction. It entails that transparency is involve in decision making, ethical issue in business delivery is very vital to protect the image of the company (Boatright 2007). Business ethics helps managers to take the right decision in business transaction in other to keep their business moving at a rapid growth in the economy (Nash 1990) Ethics can also be defined as the study of how morality are involve in human decision to build their business reputation (Borland 1999).Ethical solution to business transaction has a lot possible solution to make business to deliver it objectives. The term ethics also has another, quite different use as the case may be which is to denote the field of moral philosophy. Every manager has a way to show transparency and accountability to the business approach, in other to make the right decision in business. ETHICAL THEORIES Teleological frameworks: these are the conduct of an individual or the outcome of an individual action.(mill, 1864).Ethical egoism entails that the decision that individual take will be in mutual interest of the organisation and balance it to be mutual beneficial in business transaction. Ego is derived from a Latin word meaning self, ethical egoism allows for self-interests to play a role in the actions of the individual as long as there are also positive benefits for others. The level of rationalization may evolve into the justification that pursuing a person self- interest is necessary to generate a positive outcome for others.(Beauchamp and Bowie 1997). Deontological frameworks: This aspect focuses whether the action is right or wrong on ethical issues. The duty of the person taking such decision is highly considered as the case may be in ethics. Ethical theories; these theories involves the way or approach which are linked with philosophical empiricism and utilitarianism.(George 1999). The act of utilitarianism deals with the decision that one will take which will make him feel relax in business transaction and the outcome of the business will be positive depending on the application. The rule utilitarian states that the decision the managers will result in potential rules of action. (Graham 1990). Business reputation in the context of business to business, deals with a way manager relate with other vital issue which will protect the image of the company. If adherence to the rule produces more positive result than otherwise, it is a rule that morally will be highly considered. The distinction between act and rule utilitarianism is based on the outcome should be highly considered in calculating the effect on business related issues. UTILITARIANISM: According to utilitarianism, our obligation or duty in any situation is to perform the action that will result in the possible balance of good over evil. ln classical utilitarianism, pleasure is taken to be more beneficial to compare with pain and harms which are evil. Rule or outcome of utilitarianism stipulated some issue which are questionable in its conduct in decision making process, in some specific circumstances the outcome is not favourable. Rule utilitarianism add, however that some times their are level of consideration in decision making that managers will take in other to make the right decision in business delivery. However, within rule utilitarianism there is a distinction between the strictness and absolutism of this particular branch of utilitarianism. Strong Rule Utilitarianism is an absolutist theory, which frames strict rules that apply for all people and all time and may never be broken. According to John Stuart Mill that managers should be keen in taking decision that will produce a positive output in business transaction. An example would be utilitarian might say do not lie, if the decision will yield profit that managers should consider the decision. EGOISM: All philosophical egoism holds that there are relationships between how people react to business decision that will influence them positively. The psychological egoist entails that managers will hide some decision because they have interest on it. PSYCOLOGICAL EGOISM: these entail the psychoanalysis that are involved in human actions and how managers take a positive decision in business transaction (Derry, 1987). The psychological egoist might reply that some such of the decision that managers will take are for the best interest of the company. After all, the manager did what he most wanted to do, and so must have been pursuing his perceived business decision that will make him to maximize profit. In one sense, this is true. If self-interest is considered with the satisfaction of all of ones preferences, then all deliberate action is self-interested at least if intentional actions are always explained by citing the reason why such decision is taking in business transaction. Psychological egoism turns out to be the way managers behave and relate their decision in business delivery. They intend an empirical theory that, like other such theories, it is at least possible to refute by observation in business decision (Freeman 1993). The psychological egoist entails why the decision of managers always influence the outcome of the company output in business transaction because they have interest. Perhaps as infants we have only self-regarding desires; we come to desire other things, such as doing our duty, by learning that these other things satisfy our self-regarding desires in business transaction . We pursue the other things for their own reason or effect because the reason why the are considered are vital in decision making. Even if this picture of development is true, however, it does not defend psychological egoism, since it admits that we sometimes ultimately aim at things other than our welfare because of business reputation. Business decision that are volatile should not be taking for granted because it will tarnish the image of the company or their reputation. The managers decision should be at a level that will be fair in business transaction, even if he would not have to negotiate but let the outcome o f the decision be positive (Freeman 1993). RATIONALIZING UNETHICAL BEHAVIOURS Ethics is about being and doing the right thing, not just presenting the right idea. When a corporation made some decision it might be ethical or unethical depending on the situation. Managers may try the short cut in other to raise their share prices, ultimately trying to satisfy or please the shareholders and increase their own bonuses.(Murray 2004). The institute of business ethics has a three cardinal point that deals with ethical test that are involve in business decision making. According to the statement that business reputation has being on the down ward trend means that the level of business transparency has been reduced drastically. Transparency: these involves sharing idea to others in the process of decision making .it also means making ones actions known to others when discussion are going on in a critical manner. It also entails that the more open a person in discussing his or her action to others, the more comfortable the person who are involve will feel that the decision is right in business transaction.(Bentham 2008).Effect: these are the impact the decision has on individual or parties that are involved. Decision makers will always be involve or aware of who will be directly or indirectly influenced by their actions. The decision taken may be ethical or unethical business standard depending on the application.(Ban tam 2008). Fairness: these involve making a decision that are fair to all in an ethical ways and even considering unethical ways. All the ethical theories above shows that business reputation needs a total overhaul as the case may be in business delivery.(Bentham 2008). EXAMINING REPUTATION IN BUSINESS ETHICS Business reputation has been on the downward because of ethical violation which the decision makers thought to be small. The decision makers have to consider the corporate code of ethics, professional will feel the small ethical violation is all right and will begin to justify all ethical lapses, no matter the size (Kant 2004). Moreover, business reputation in the market place should be a positive reputation. A lot of companies are trying all they can to protect the image of their company. Business reputation is a precious commodity, a lot of companies work hard to protect or maintain the image they have created. Many companies have realized that ones these image has been tarnished that is always difficult to restore. As an applied discipline, business ethics can be viewed as a way doing business in a responsible manner. Business operates on the underlying value of trust. it takes only one choice to change or tarnish the image of a company business reputation (Boatright 2007). CASE STUDIES Mr Cameron is trying to breathe a new life into an initiative which he believes is often misunderstood and unfairly mocked. He said is vision is to restore the broken society with the big society. David Cameron chief policy adviser Steve Hilton has been trying to stop him from doing deep think stuff at the moment and also tried to reduce or induce the prime minister vision or idea on big society.(Easton,2011).According to Easton has announce his extra cash for charities, more places in the National citizen service and new details of creating a big society bank with  £200 million. Cameron quotes that their are three key strands to the big society: 1. Encouraging social and voluntary action. 2. Decentralising power. 3. Reforming public services. Analysing Camerons quote in the big society with Deontological frameworks. These are the application of deontological approach in dealing with a volatile economy. Deontological focuses on whether the decision is favourable or not, it focuses on the duty or obligation in determining whether the action is right or wrong. (Stawick 2010).He focuses more on cuts and the other hand encouraging social and voluntary action. Under the above analysis of the prime minister on big society, he is using deontological approach on the society at large. According to Nigel carshew who ask a very vital question why is the big society bank not a social enterprise? The statement shows that the level of transparency in business reputation of big society is questionable. One of the effect is that the money which is been invested is a public money and at the same time use it to enrich the shareholders pocket.(Cohen ,2011).There is increasing evidence that council are choosing to slash grants rather than hit frontline services. Everyone assume its the cuts that are damaging us. But, letting local authorities do what they want with money is hurting us just as much (Collins 2011). ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND According to Philip (2011) he stressed that a lot of bankers are paid above their average pay while the Bank of England deputy governor said that bank should be allowed to fail without the tax payers money (Philip 2011).Royal bank of Scotland has been allocating bonuses and paying their staff above normal average pay which made the bank to go bankrupt in business delivery. This is an ethical issue in business reputation because they are using tax payers money for their personal use. Bankers were busy sharing money in the boom years and the tax payers are now paying for the cost of their failure. (Tucker 2011).The bank has shared above  £280 million pounds on bonuses to their bankers which has led to a collapse in the banking sector. CONCLUSION: The ethical business standard that is involved in business delivery above shows that business reputation is a precious commodity. According to David Rosser quote that Business reputation has been on a downward trend for too long and is a concern to growing number of business leaders. Dr Barry morgan,the arch bishop of Wales quote that MBA graduate should be taking a hypocritical oath upon completion of their degree. According to Dr Barry Morgan, he is pointing his view based on religious aspect not in business transaction that MBA graduate should play it according to the rules upon the oath taken like the medical doctors. Business reputation has two sides one is ethical and the other is unethical depending on the application in business transaction. Business reputation has been on the downward trend for too long because managers of business has being taking ethical issues for granted in their business to business transaction. Under the above assumptions on big society, business reputation has been reduced in the area of transparency and accountability. Royal Bank of Scotland decision to give their staff bonuses with depositors funds have jeopardized their business reputation and at the same time make the managers decision questionable.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Essays --
Ratliff 1 Kohlten C. Ratliff Mrs. Bralock British Literature 12 December 2013 The Game of Baseball When you think about the game of baseball, you think about the most remembered baseball player Jackie Robinson because he stole more bases than I stole hearts. The game of baseball was created sometime in the 1800’s and has been played ever since. Baseball is a major sport and it is apart of a lot of the cultures in the world. The United States of America and Cuba are two of the top 2 countries that have a lot of players go to the MLB. The game of baseball was first played on sandlot and now is being played in huge stadiums that have large capacities. Baseball is a sport that can be watched for fun and doesn’t necessarily have to be played. There have been many names for baseball like Goal ball, Round ball, Fletch-ball, and Stool ball. Baseball is a cousin to Cricket because it involves two teams that alternate on offense and defense. Alexander Cartwright invented the modern baseball stadium in 1845 and he was from New York. New York is where a game called Town ball was created, traces show that it was a game similar to baseball. Cartwright got the idea of making money from people coming to watch players play on a field other than the street form Town ball. Alexander Cartwright is known as the founder of baseball because of his idea of turning Town ball into an organized sport. Ratliff 2 Traces of a game played with a bat and a ball dates back 2,000 years ago in ancient Egypt. Egyptians were crafty people and craved a stick out of stone and hit rocks with it. That game was a pharaoh’s favorite game to play and he was buried with it in his tome. When some researchers with into the pharaohs tome they found a... ...rough at him. When Jackie first went to the major league they call him names while he was playing and the pitchers where trying to hit him with the ball. When the American people saw how good a black man could play, more and more black people were allowed to join the major league. In conclusion baseball has become a big part to the society not only does it bring people together, but the people who actually love baseball enjoys to watch it. Baseball became an entertainment sport to people around the world and has many types like softball for girls. Some of the greatest minds are people who play baseball because you always have to think when playing it. There have been many legends in baseball that people look up to and inspire young people in the world today to want to learn about the game. Everyone can play it whether they play it professional or amateur.
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