Friday, January 24, 2020
The Future of American Technology Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research
The Future of American Technology The future of technology in America is going to change dramatically and frequently from here on out. It has already grown so much in the past thirty years; I think that it will continue expanding at faster and faster rates. I think that it will be both good and bad. There will be many positive advances in the medical field, and such, but I think that there will also be some negative consequences. With all of it though, I feel that the positive will outweigh the negative, and it will be worthwhile. I hope so anyway. I think that by the year 2025, we will be living on other planets, and have plenty of space travel. We will have found a cure for AIDS, and cancer, but there will be new deadly viruses that will threaten to wipe out the population. We...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Stress Management Among Working Womens in India
Stress refers to the pressure and reactions to our environment which results inpsychological and physical reactions. Whilst some stress is good for motivationand increasing efficiency, too much stress can result in negative impacts such asreduced effectiveness and efficiency. More and more people are feeling isolatedand disrespected at work, and this has led to greater occupational stress. Manycompanies have taken to consulting experts and professionals on ways toincrease connectedness and motivation of their employees. Some companies organize parties and make their employees feel valued atwork.These are measures to motivate employees and help them to feel secureat their jobs, translating into greater productivity. However, not all companieshave such measures in place, and some have not gotten it quite right. Hence, itis up to you to make sure that you can cope with stress at your workplace, anduse it to help you work better. Here are 3 simple steps to help you with copingwith stress in the workplace. Step 1: Raising Awareness Help yourself to identify when you are facing rising levels of stress, tipping thescales from positive to negative.This is important, as being able to identify signsof being stressed can help you to take steps to ensure that your overall quality of life does not drop. If left unacknowledged, the problem will only snowball, leadingto disastrous consequences to your health and overall wellbeing. You can identify if you are feeling stressed by checking if you have any physicalor psychological reactions, such as excessive sweating or heart palpitations, or the onset of headaches, irritability or the need to escape. If you experience anyof these reactions, identify if you are feeling any overwhelming negativeemotions, and if you are constantly worried.Step 2: Identify the Cause You need to be able to analyze the situation and identify what is causing the risein stress. These stressors can be external and internal. External stressors refer 18 t o things beyond your control, such as the environment or your colleagues atwork. Internal stressors refer to your own thinking and attitude. Often, we onlystart reacting to stress when a combination of stressors working together exceeds our ability to cope. Keep a diary or a list of events that have caused you to feel strong negativeemotions, or that are likely stressors.This will help you to identify the causes of your stress. Whilst it is not always possible to eradicate them, we can change theway that we cope with it. Step 3: Coping with Stress In order to deal with the situation that is causing you stress, you need to calmyour mind and body so as to stave off the reactions and cope with it in a positiveway. This can be through different methods, such as taking time off. If a situationis triggering your stress and you are unable to calm down, remove yourself fromit. Go outside and take a walk to calm down.Alternatively, you can tryimplementing relaxation techniques such as deep b reathing. If it is an internalstressor, stop your thought process until you are able to deal with it logically. The key to making these 3 steps work for you is to practice them. These are notinstantaneous solutions, and you need to condition your mind and practice themso that you can implement it when you are feeling stressed. (1. 2. 5) Stress Management Stress management is the need of the hour. However hard we try to gobeyond a stress situation, life seems to find new ways of stressing us out andplaguing us with anxiety attacks.Moreover, be it our anxiety, mind-bodyexhaustion or our erring attitudes, we tend to overlook causes of stress and theconditions triggered by those. In such unsettling moments we often forget thatstressors, if not escapable, are fairly manageable and treatable. 19 Stress, either quick or constant, can induce risky body-mind disorders. Immediate disorders such as dizzy spells, anxiety attacks, tension,sleeplessness, nervousness and muscle cramps can all resu lt in chronic healthproblems. They may also affect our immune, cardiovascular and nervoussystems and lead individuals to habitual addictions, which are inter-linked withstress.Like â€Å"stress reactions†, â€Å"relaxation responses†and stress managementtechniques are some of the body's important built-in response systems. As arelaxation response the body tries to get back balance in its homeostasis. Somehormones released during the ‘fight or flight' situation prompt the body to replacethe lost carbohydrates and fats, and restore the energy level. The knottednerves, tightened muscles and an exhausted mind crave for looseness. Unfortunately, today, we don't get relaxing and soothing situations withoutasking. To be relaxed we have to strive to create such situations. Recognizing a stressor:It is important to recognize whether you are under stress or out of it. Many times,even if we are under the influence of a stressful condition and our body reacts toit internall y as well as externally, we fail to realize that we are reacting under stress. This also happens when the causes of stress are there long enough for us to get habituated to them. The body constantly tries to tell us throughsymptoms such as rapid palpitation, dizzy spells, tight muscles or various bodyaches that something is wrong. It is important to remain attentive to suchsymptoms and to learn to cope with the situations. 20
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Constructing and analysing financial tools - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1274 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? Learning outcomes Be able to construct and analyse financial statements using a range of techniques and appropriate e-tools in order to critically appraise their value in decision making Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Constructing and analysing financial tools" essay for you Create order Critically appraise current developments in accounting and finance including evaluating contemporary theories and empirical evidence within the context of contrasting global business contexts e.g. the ethical and international issues facing organisations when formulating, implementing and reporting financial strategies. Recognize the contribution of accounting and finance to a diverse range of enterprises and society as a whole and be capable of contributing to accounting and finance research using appropriate data and methodologies. Be able to engage in the workplace as an ethical professional with the essential graduate attributes of enterprise, digital literacy and global outlook. Part (a) Part (b) Core financial reporting content and modules Semester and level Outcomes Introduction to Accounting Sem. 1 Level 4 a basic level Introduction to Financial Statement Preparation Sem. 2 Level 4 students are expected to key accounting statements such as the Income Statement Dealing with Accounting Adjustment Sem. 1 Level 5 students will be expected to evaluate a range of International Accounting Standards Producing/Interpreting Group Financial Statements Sem. 2 Level 5 students are expected to be able to produce and analyse more complex financial statements for a group of companies Accounting Issues Sem. 2 Level 6 students are expected to critically evaluate current financial reporting regulations and professional ethics. Core management accounting content and modules Semester and level Outcomes Introduction to Accounting Sem. 1 Level 4 a basic level Management Accounting Sem. 2 Level 4 students are expected to apply management accounting principles to simple planning and decision-making scenarios Intermediate Management Accounting Sem. 1 Level 5 solve more complex planning and decision-making problems using a wider range of techniques. hey will also be able to use a range of techniques to measure and critically evaluate organisational performance Accounting Issues. Sem. 2 Level 6 students will identify and critically evaluate recent changes in management accounting theory and practice Core financial management content and modules Semester and level Outcomes Financial Management Sem. 2 Level 5 students are expected to develop an understanding of the structure of business finance and its application to the decision making processes within organisations. Advanced Financial Management Sem. 1 Level 6 students will investigate corporate financing from both strategic and global perspectives and can appraise corporate financial performance Part (c) Independent study skills cultivated in 3 academic years. The first is self-study ability. In level 4 and I will take introduction to accounting and introduction to financial statement preparation. These two modules explain the basic financial reports, liking income statement and balance sheet. The knowledge in class about this part is not enough, and I should find more related explanation and practise to enhance my understanding. Fortunately document and web links provided by Leeds will direct students to reading materials and additional activities in a range of modules such as Introduction to Accounting (H4), Dealing with Accounting Adjustments (H5) and Accounting Issues (H6). Students will be able to self-check their understanding by completing online quizzes. As a student, I should correct my attitude towards study and learn to study independently. Level 4 is the foundation of financial accounting, when I learn more about accounting adjustments and group financial statements in level 5 and 6 with the self-study ability, it is not imposs ible for me to correctly construct financial statements for all diverse kinds of corporations in the future, and this would be a great advantage for a employee. The second is about efficient communication and team working skills. I should value the contributions of my peers in team working, for example in the preparation of a group presentation in the Business Context module and Strategic planning and Control module. Working in groups to manage and carry out a simulated business project synthesizing the expertise and skills developed throughout the course. During the process our group members have to assign reasonable apportional proportion that is suitable to their advantages to each members through efficient communication. In workplace, efficient communication makes you professional and team work makes you competitive. The thirdly is use of university e-services e.g. VLE, portal, library and email. We should use appropriate e-tools to locate, access and utilise information that facilitate learning e.g. library e-catalogue and search engines. In Level 4 students will use Excel spreadsheets to create, manipulate and analyse data in the Data Analysis for Finance module. in Level 5. IT for Accountants will extend studentsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ Excel spreadsheet skills as well as improve their employability prospects through use of the SAGE accounting software. This will involve importing and exporting information from accounting systems into spreadsheets in order to manipulate data. Students will have to continue to demonstrate digital literacy at Level 6 e.g. In the Strategic Planning and Control module students are required to carry out internet based research and prepare a set of final accounts using Excel. The digital literacy is significant in the career life. It is necessary for a employee to be succ essful. Part (d) Competencies I already have Communication skills. I control good skills of communicating with people. I can clearly identity other peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s advantages and weakness through talking with them. In addition to that, in the group assignment of Business Context, my responsibility is to coordinate every team members, tell their objective and absorb their ideas. Computer literate. I am interested in computer, I am good at internet detective. And using correct resource to achieve the already set objectives. Time management. Normally I use timetable to arrange my daily work, especially for the team work. I will inform my group members early and guarantee they will be there on time, and urge them to finish their part work on time. Competencies that need enhancing Mathematics. my mathematics is poor, always make mistakes, so I need to concentrate on the question and numbers when I am doing calculation. This should be improved definitely. Problem solving. I am not good at solving problems, so I should read more peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s experience, and learn their decision making in the same situation. Future career path My personal goal is to become a charted accountant within industry or commerce. This allows me to specialise my financial expertise. However, my long time goal is gaining all the knowledge and skills to open my own accounting company. Below I will make a schedule to make my dream achievable 2014 It is my first year in BAAF, I will learn the basic knowledge about financial accounting, liking prepare income statement and balance sheet. management accounting, such as budgeting and cash flow preparation. Business context, knowing the micro and macro environment and the International Accounting Standards as well as UK regulations 2015 The second year, I will take professional study and increase my ability of problem solving in realistics. Evaluate the impact of diverse global contexts upon business risk Consider practical accounting issues associated with international business operations. In Intermediate Management Accounting will evaluate performance within divisional organisations including multi-national 2016 In the last academic year, it is important for me to obtain these abilities in Corporate Taxation, I will critically evaluate the international tax environment In Advanced Financial Management I will evaluate financial decision making within a multi-national context In Strategic planning and Control module I will run a business simulation within a global market. 2017~2020 In before year I have already finished my study, so in the continue master level, I will take the ACCA examination. I give thee years to myself to gain working experience in accounting company and gain the related accounting knowledge. Try my best to pass the examination one time. And to be qualified accountant. 2018~2020 Work in a big international accounting company. 2021~2030 Raise money and open my accounting company.
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